An Evening of Literary Exploration with Ubah Cristina Ali Farah!
Join us for a captivating book reading, signing and presentation featuring the acclaimed author of "Commander of the River," Ubah Cristina Ali Farah.
Co-Sponsored by:
* African Studies Initiative
* Department of French And Italian University of Minnesota
* The Immigration History Research Archives
* Center for German and European Studies
* Immigration History Research Center
* Institute for Global Studies
* Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis/St. Paul
Moderator: Lorenzo Fabbri, University of Minnesota, Faculty member of the Department of French and Italian.
Co-Moderator: Marian Hassan, Author and Educator.
About the book:
"The Commander of the River" is a timeless, compelling, coming-of-age story in contemporary Italy. Written by acclaimed Somali-Italian author Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, the novel explores themes of racism, trauma, adolescent angst, and the rebellious torments of the young. Originally written in Italian,"Il comandante del fiume" has been beautifully translated into English by Hope Campbell Gustafson.
About the Author:
Ubah Cristina Ali Farah is a Somali-Italian poet, novelist, playwright, librettist and oral performer. She is the author of three novels, "Madre piccola" (2007; "Little Mother," IUP 2011, republished in 2022 by 66thand2nd) "Il comandante del fiume" (2014; "The Commander of the River," forthcoming IUP 2021, republished in 2022 by 66thand2nd), "Le stazioni della luna" ("The Stations of the Moon," June 2021), the dell’ekphrasis "La danza dell’orice" (Juxta Press 2020) and the collection of short stories "Le ceneri della fenice" (Hopefulmonster 2022).
Don't miss this unique opportunity to engage with an exceptional author and thought-provoking literature.
Admission: Free of charge for members and non-members
Location: Andersen Library 120, University of Minnesota
222 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Parking is available: 19th avenue Parking Ramp.